Category: Ben Cahlamer – 2017

Total 22 Posts

“This is not the end….” Although we might come back with Top 10 list of 2017, I have become too busy to manage this site and so in order to focus on other avenues, it is with sincere regret that

Score one for Team Equality with ‘F(l)ag Football’ Doc

We all struggle to find our own place in the world.  Life gets interesting as we discover ourselves and we form relationships with others.  It gets more complicated when we struggle with our sexual identity.  It’s not something most of

Fun ‘The Lego Ninjago Movie’ suffers from flat characters

As a child, my older brother would get Lego kits. He would build them as I played with my Duplo sets and as we got older, his Lego sets became disjointed; pieces everywhere, allowing our imagination to soar as we

Gyllenhaal gives Oscar-worthy performance in inspired ‘Stronger’

As the events of David Gordon Green’s Stronger unfolded, I was reminded of my own life. We all struggle everyday of our lives, but no greater test of courage exists then what befalls us when tragedy strikes. For Jeff Bauman, a native

There’s nothing Golden about ‘Kingsman’ sequel

History is replete with the spoils of cinematic spies; resources and gadgets are ready at an instant; beautiful locales, venomous villains and gorgeous ladies on tap. James Bond was fashionable, Steve Rogers was symbolic, Austin Powers was hip, Derek Flint

I Am Home: Twenty Years of ‘Event Horizon’

Twenty years ago this week, audiences were scared out of their wits with Paul Anderson’s sci fi-horror-fetish film, Event Horizon.  Plagued by production problems and studio interference, Anderson’s film ended up as maimed as most of the victims in the film

Soderbergh’s Ultra Cool Caper “Logan Lucky” Is A Blast

When writer-director Steven Soderbergh announced his retirement from filmmaking in 2013 to pursue painting, we thought he was gone for good. Soderbergh stated that there were too many obstacles to movie making. “I’m interested in exploring another art form while

“The Dark Tower” Crumbles Under It’s Own Weight

For as long as I can remember, films adapted from Stephen King’s novels or short stories have resulted in either outright classics or box office failures that eventually turn into cult classics. I confess that I have not read his

Heineman’s ‘City of Ghosts’ will stay with you long after the movie is over.

I grew up with Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather who shaped our opinions and our discussions.  We as an audience had trust in what they had to say, and more importantly in how they delivered it.  Today, the news needs

Review: Stellar supporting cast cannot save unpolished “Misfortune”.

“A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.” ~ Nicky Santoro, “Casino” Cinematic history is replete with B – level budget films; films that the traditional Studio system were unwilling to